Monday, October 9, 2023

Author Profile: Kelsi

Kelsi McMeans

Tell us about yourself.

    I am a twenty-eight-year-old mom of two. My daughter will be two in November of this year and my son is five months. I received my Bachelor of Science in Health Information Management from Alabama State University in 2017. I am currently working on a graduate degree in Healthcare Administration from Auburn University of Montgomery.

    My favorite color is purple. My birthday is August 14,1995, so that makes me an August LEO, lol. I’m a big-time lover of R&B, Southern Soul Blues, and some Rap. My top three R&B artists are Jazmine Sullivan, Tink, & J. Howell. Even though there are so many more that I enjoy. I love to binge-watch tv shows more than I enjoy watching movies. My favorite show is “Insecure” by Issa Rae.

    I have been writing since 2019 but I have been an avid reader since the age of twelve. Some of my all-time favorite authors are Wahida Clark and Ashley & Jaquavis Coleman just to name a few. My all-time favorite novel is “Moth to a Flame”, by Ashley Antionette.

Tell us about your featured book. 

    The featured book that I will be discussing is titled “Lick Back: A Hood Love Story”. It is a story about betrayal. Sometimes the people closest to you don’t want to see you excel in life, instead they want to see you stagnant. That was the case with Zeilan and Draco. They were two best friends who were so close that they were like brothers. So close that Zeilan’s grandmother took Draco in because of his parents being unfit. All of the unconditional love that they showed him wasn’t enough because he didn’t like to see Zeilan elevate in life. Instead, he wanted to see him dead so that’s what he set out to do, have him killed.

    Draco was a very selfish and conniving person. He didn’t appreciate any of the good people that God placed in his life. Instead, he misused them and took them for granted. He learns quickly how Karma can hit the reverse button and the shoe can quickly be on the other foot.

What is the significance of the title? 

    The title signifies that you can’t think you can do people dirty and not expect to reap the consequences behind your actions. Somebody is always going to get their lick back. Also, Zeilan finds love within the story in a not-so-traditional way. It was definitely a hood type of love. 

How do you do research for your books? 

    Most of the time my books just come from the dome or past experiences. At times inspiration can come from anywhere. For example, I can read a crazy post from Facebook or even watch a TikTok video and get ideas. Also, music inspires me a lot. 

Is writing your full-time career? Or would you like it to be? 

    At the moment I am writing full time but it's only temporary. In the real world, I would like to become a permanent full-time writer.

When did you first consider yourself a writer? 

    I considered myself a writer when I released my first book “Infatuated by a Gangsta” under Miss Candice Presents.

What books or authors have most influenced your own writing? 

    I can’t say I received my influence of writing from anyone specific. I just go on what I feel with any book, given the title. 

Favorite quote (doesn’t matter the source):

    “Nothing Comes To A Sleeper But A Dream” – Serena Williams

Follow Author Kelsi McMeans 's social media outlets:

Facebook- Kelsi McMeans 

Instagram- authoresskelsi 

Amazon Author Page- Kelsi McMeans

Tik Tok- authoresskelsi

AuthorKelsi McMeans 's books can be purchased at the following locations:


Author Catalog:

A Hood Chick & A Crime Boss: An African American Romance 

Infatuated by The Love of a Gangsta: A Tale of Friendship, Love, and Deceit 

Infatuated by The Love of a Gangsta 2 

Captivated by A Hitta's Love : Khelani & Khalil

Daughters of A King: A Tale of Money, Love, & Drugs

Daughters of A King 2: A Tale of Money, Love, & Drugs

Daughters of A King 3: A Tale of Love, Drugs, & Money

Made Men Mafia: The Love Story

Finding Love in A Thug for The Holidays

Lowkey Creepin' With A Hood Billionaire: An Urban Romance

Lowkey Creepin' With A Hood Billionaire 2

Lowkey Creepin' With A Hood Billionaire 3: The Finale

Lick Back: A Hood Love Story

Lick Back 2: A Hood Love Story

Featured Novel: 

Heartbreak after heartbreak. Set back after set back. Dawn has been going through nothing but turmoil, trying to love a man that only loved himself. Draco has only shown her that he would only continue to do what she allows.

As women, sometimes we find that love makes us stay in situations that we should’ve walked away from a long time ago. Dawn is in dilemma to leave but each time the thought crosses her mind she finds herself at a standstill, trying to find the person she fell in love with and not the man that he has become.

When the cheating occurs one too many times and the secret that Draco tries to withhold from Dawn exposes his infidelity even more. The woman that he never expected to get away, finally finds the strength to move. Will he accept his fate? Or will her getting her Lick Back sends him to a mental state that he never anticipated being in?

Come along with the crew as they experience all of the lessons that life

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