Wednesday, September 13, 2023

Author Profile: Robert R. Davis and Book Giveaway

Robert R. Davis

Tell us about yourself.
    I am a Christian author, teacher and minister and a native of Connecticut.  I was always active in the church even as a youth.  I served as an usher, choir member and junior deacon.  As an adult I became a deacon at the ripe old age of 20 and a Sunday school teacher to adults and teens.  In 2007, I accepted the office of minister and in time became an assistant Pastor. 
    I have always had a deep desire to understand the mysteries of life.  I often questioned the reasons behind the things of life.  This trait did not always go over well in my youth, but as an adult it increased my understanding greatly, especially in the realm of studying the bible.
    I have a deep passion to understanding the meaning behind the commands and precepts of the bible.  My search for truth continues to shape my life, as I pursue God.  My writings are a vehicle to communicate the truth to the body of Christ.


Tell us about your featured book. 
    In the Beginning (the Truth Behind Genesis) is a riveting, thought provoking look at creation from a biblical perspective. This book breaks down the symbolism of Genesis in order to ascertain the real spiritual message from God. It brings so much clarity to the scriptures you will wonder why you never saw these things before. It is simply indispensable to anyone serious about the truth.
    Recently, women have come under renewed attacks against being in leadership in the Church.  The reason for this prohibition against women pastoring is found in the letters of the apostle Paul.  However, all of the support Paul uses in found in Genesis chapters 2 and 3.   A misunderstanding of Adam and Eve has caused much damage and hardship to women for centuries.  When looking at what women are allowed to do in the church, it is as if Genesis 5:2 does not exist.  Every woman should read, In the Beginning and find out the truth, today.  In addition, share it with your ministry.  This work will revolutionize how women are treated in the church, forever.


When did you first consider yourself a writer?
    I wrote my first book in 2002 called The Final Message: Understanding the Book of Revelation.  It was challenging enough to write my first book, but to tackle a subject as difficult of Revelation was intimidating, to say the least.  This work grew out of my desire to understand this last and enigmatic book of the Bible. However, I don’t think I consider myself a writer until I had written several books.  It just didn’t seem real to me.


How do you do research for your books?
    I start with a topic or particular passages of the Bible.  Then I check to see what is already written on the subject.  If the subject has been well covered and understood, then I will not write about it.  Otherwise, I will find all of the available scriptures on the subject and begin to study it for myself.  Once, I am convinced there is enough material to write about, I begin writing.


What would you consider the tools of the trade?
    I consider a computer and an electronic Bible to be indispensable tools of the trade for me.  Other, than that it would be research materials, lots of research material.  You need to become an expert in whatever you are writing about.


Is writing your full-time career? Or would you like it to be?
    No, unfortunately writing is not my full-time career.  I am a software developer by trade and have been for over 40 years.  I thought when I penned my first work, back in 2002, that I would be a full-time writer.  This dream still has not come to fruition.  It can be frustrating at times, when you know you have information that the public wants or needs.  However, getting the word out to the masses is a real challenge, but I keep writing because it is my passion.


What is your work schedule like when you are writing?
    When I am writing, I get immersed in the project and lose track of time.  I generally write in the evening hours and go for as long as I can.  I love studying and researching the bible, so I don’t mind spending long hours doing it.


What is the most surprising thing you discovered while writing your book(s)?
    I am an introvert by nature and I don’t always have a lot to say.  So, I am surprised when I can get a book’s worth of information from a particular subject.  Another, surprising thing I see is when I proofread the work and reads like I didn’t write it.  That is when I know I am finished, when it feels like some else wrote the words.


What do you like to do when you are not writing?
    I am a movie buff.  I love a good comedy, action or sci-fi movie.  I am also fascinated about anything (books) on how the brain works, called neuroplasticity


What would you like to say to your readers? 
    If you get a copy of my book and enjoy it, please tell someone about it.  I depend on word of mouth, to build an audience.  Please give me your feedback.  I would love to hear from you and lastly, thank you for your support.

Follow Author Robert R. Davis's social media outlet:
Amazon- Robert R. Davis
Author Website-
Facebook- Robert R Davis

In the Beginning (the Truth Behind Genesis) is a riveting, thought provoking look at creation from a biblical perspective. This book breaks down the symbolism of Genesis in order to ascertain the real spiritual message from God. Robert Davis brings so much clarity to the scriptures you will wonder why you never saw these things before. Simply indispensable to anyone serious about the truth.

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