Monday, August 21, 2023

Author Profile: Regina Duggins


Dr. Regina Duggins

Tell us about yourself.
    My name is Dr. Regina Duggins and I was born and raised in Coney Island-Brooklyn, NY. I moved to Charleston, South Carolina thirteen years ago. I wanted to bring my mother back to her birth state of St George. South Carolina. I am a auntie/mom of 5 of my nieces and nephews who range from the ages of 19-27 years old. One of my nephew/son is Autistic and he’s the inspiration for me becoming a Special Education Teacher. 

You have so many hats that you wear. If you had to choose one that was the most important to you, which one would it be? 
    The most important hat to me is tied between being an auntie mom/ caregiver and working with the LGBTQ+ of Color Community. 

Have you been able to incorporate your previous experience in your jobs/education in your writing?
    Yes, I share the real life authentic truths about my life styles through my previous experiences with raising an autistic child and working as a special education teacher. Being a open lesbian and becoming the founder of Charleston Black Pride. I believe in walking the walk as I talk the talk. 

What type of questions did you ask yourself while writing this book? 
   It was more of statements: If you’re not going to be authentic and transparent then don’t write the book because people deserve the truth. Hopefully, you can empower them, inspire them, mentor them, and encourage them to want to do better for themselves. 

What is your favorite part of being a writer?
    My favorite part of being a writer is that I get to meet so many people and share my story with the world and in return I can hear about the challenges and successes of others especially women. That inspires me to want to help more in my community.

What made you want to become an activist?
   I wanted to become an activist because I felt I was sent here to use my voice to help led others to better. I speak with authority. I want change to happen when I speak about issues that are concerning to my heart such as LGBTQIA, Women, Special education, mental health, senseless murders, and especially showing interest in HIV/AIDS awareness. 

What do you feel is your mission in life? 
    I feel that my mission in life is to be a servant leader. I am here to be the voice of the voiceless people. I am here to make programs to help empower, uplift, motivate, and instill value in others especially women of color.

Who would you like to co-author a book with?
    I would love to co-author with Oprah Winfrey because we have similar beginnings- we had traumatic experience throughout our childhood- I am a rape survivor - Warrior and we turned our trauma into triumph. We want to in-turn help others through philanthropy work and tell our story so that we can help heal others.

If your life was made into a movie, who would play you?
    Octavia Spencer!!! I love her spirit, the roles she plays. She’s a loving person but she also doesn’t take any mess. She’s serious about her business and she plays roles where she is a smart woman in leadership and a creative especially when she played the role in the movie about Madame CJ Walker - who is a great inspiration to me. 

What would you like to say to your readers? 
     I hope that my writings have inspired and empowered you to be creative and expressive about your passions. You too, can be an author because there is a story inside everyone and the world is dying to hear it!! Start writing and don’t be afraid to express your true thoughts, emotions, and feelings.

Check out her interview with SCBookGal and Friends:

Follow Dr. Regina Duggins on the following social media outlets:
Amazon Author Page- Regina Duggins

Books can be purchased at the following websites: Amazon
Click on the book to be redirected to purchase: 

Meet Dr. Regina Duggins at the following events: 

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