Tuesday, August 22, 2023

Author Profile: Monique Duell/ Book Giveaway

Monique Duell

Tell us about yourself.

    Monique Duell is the mother of 2 sons, advocate, international speaker, preacher of the gospel, author, and Host of Having a Moment With Moni Podcast and Radio Show. Monique is the Founder of This Ability LLC, an organization that provides advocacy, education, support, and resources for special needs families in Prince George’s County MD. Monique is an advocate. She participated in the Arc of Maryland Partners in Policymaking Advocacy Program, which prepares individuals to be effective advocates at the local, state, and federal levels. She is the author of Grief is a Gangster, Jeremiah the Jackrabbit, Handicapped Mom: Lessons I Learned Through Cerebral Palsy and How Do I Handle a Special Needs Child? She is the co-author of The Power of God Daily Devotional II and 50 Shades of Pink: A Healing Journey to Self-Love. Monique was featured on the PIC TV Network’s first ever virtual book fair, which streams on Roku TV. In addition to TV, Monique has been interviewed and featured on several platforms internationally and locally, including Testimony Tuesday with Prophetess Venesia Williams and Inspiring Women for Aspiring Women with Stella K. both in the UK, 1 Billion Brave Show With Domo Jones, Bust a Move With Pam Reece, Wanda’s Warriors Live with Wanda Briscoe, Kingdom Talk Broadcast with Dr. Nicckay Natson and Broken But Not Bruised with Prophetess Monica Floyd, just to name a few. Monique’s poem, Mother, Mother was featured in Stellar Woman Magazine’s first Christmas Edition in December 2022. Monique was also featured in Faith Heart Magazine’s “Women Who Are Changing the Face of Ministry” in November 2021 and Legacy in the Making Magazine as a, “Brilliant Author” in 2014. She has been a contributing writer and content creator for Many Kind Regards, Complex Child Magazine, Parenting Special Needs Magazine and Special Shades of Color. Monique received rave reviews for her in-depth presentation, ‘Caregiver C.P.R.’ at the Faith and Mental Health Summit 2022, about recognizing and preventing caregiver burnout. Monique served as the Associate Pastor of God’s End Time Deliverance Ministry under the leadership of the late Apostle Philip Williams and Lady Verna Williams. Monique is a multi-award recipient. Black Girlz Rock is presenting Monique with the ‘Shero’ award in March 2023. This Ability was inducted into the ForbesBLK community in June 2023. In November 2022, The President and CEO of The PIC TV Network, Dr. David Evans, presented her with the Community Heroes Award in November 2022. Monique also received the SISTERS Award for Encouragement that same month. In 2016, Monique received the Grace Girl Award in the ‘She Overcomes’ category by Lady Trina Jenkins during FBCG’s He Loves Me Women’s Conference for her perseverance in overcoming extreme hardships. Her riveting show, Having a Moment with Moni gives us a raw, transparent, and intimate look into her life as she navigates life as a special needs parent and caregiver for her youngest son Jeremiah, an adult living with cerebral palsy. Her radio show airs every Friday at 10 EST on Hod Radio Network from Benin, Nigeria. The podcast streams weekly on all major platforms, including Apple Podcasts, iHeart, and Spotify. 

Tell us about your featured book. 

    Grief is a Gangster is about how to properly grieve. I talk about the hidden signs of grief and how to walk with God in the midst of your grief. 

What would you say is your most interesting writing quirk?

    My most interesting writing quirk is that I don’t plan my books. When God drops it in my spirit, I write it immediately. I still have unpublished books that I’d written years ago, like Jeremiah the Jackrabbit. 

Writing can be an emotionally draining and stressful pursuit. Any tips for aspiring writers?

    When you reach the point in your writing that you feel emotionally drained, take a break. Writing out your trauma is like replaying and reliving the nightmare over and over again. Keep going because that is where the impact is. It is where the power of your testimony is. Writing is a ministry all its own. It’s not easy to be transparent or to expose what the enemy wants you to keep covered, but it’s worth it! 

What is your work schedule like when you are writing?

    I work from home, which is an advantage because I can write at any time of the day. When I’m writing, there are no distractions. I have a quiet place to write, my phone is on do not disturb and I’m in the zone until I feel God release me. 

What is the most surprising thing you discovered while writing your book(s)?

    The most surprising thing that I discovered while writing my books was that I had all of that wisdom buried on the inside of me. My writings brings me to tears just as it does the reader. 

What is the key theme and/or message in the book?

    The message in my books is that no matter where you are mentally, spiritually or emotionally in life, GOD IS! He’s a very present help, whether there’s trouble or not. He has a blueprint and a strategy for your life that is custom tailored to the measure of faith he’s given you. 

What book is currently on your bedside table?

    My Dream Book Journal: Wake up and Record the Dreams God Gave You by Kimyatta Sparks.

Favorite book/story you have read as an adult

    The Art of Your Surrender: Jesus, You and the Cross by the late Dr. Celeste Owens

What would you like to say to your readers? 

    You have a powerful voice! Your unique voice has a sound. However God has anointed you to use it for His glory, DO IT. The time is NOW. 

Follow Monique Duell on the following social media outlets:
Amazon Author Page- Monique Duell
LinkedIn- Monique Duell
Instagram- @msdeereign
Wisdom App- Monique Duell
Clubhouse- Monique Duell 

For more info about This Ability, check out their website: linktr.ee/moniqueduell

Books can be purchased at the following websites: Amazon
Click on the book to be redirected to purchase: 

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