Wednesday, June 7, 2023

Author Profile: Syntell Smith

Meet Author Syntell Smith  

Tell us about yourself. 
    My name is Syntell Smith. I'm an independent author who has been publishing my own novels since 2019. I live in Detroit, but I was born and raised in New York.

Tell us about your latest book.  
    My latest book is the third of my Call Numbers series. A workplace drama that tells the story of a group of library employees working together at a branch in New York City during the 90's.

What characters in your book are most similar to you or to the people you know? 
    Well, the series is loosely based on myself at the time I was working for the New York Public Library and yes I based the characters in my books on the co-workers I worked with at the time as well. Naturally, the identities were changed to protect their privacy and also not get sued! (LOL)

How important was professional editing to your book's development?
    It's very important. The editor and proofreader I use have been very helpful in bringing out the best of my novels. I look forward to giving each one repeated work in the future.

How do you process and deal with negative book reviews? 
    It's hard, I realize my books aren't for everyone, there is a niche audience that will enjoy my books so far. Only those who can relate to library workers and the industry. Not everyone is going to get that so their opinions, I'll acknowledge, but basically, they weren't the intended audience for the book. I'll respect what they have to say, but won't hold any ill will against them.

Does anyone in your family read your books?  
    *sigh*, no. No they won't. There are more strangers out there who take a chance reading my book than family members who can receive a free copy from me (and have!) but just won't read it. I don't let it discourage me, I just tell myself "They'll just have to wait for the TV series!"

Do you see writing as a kind of spiritual or therapeutic practice? 
    Not really spiritual or therapeutic, but I find writing cathartic. It helps with the stories I have locked inside me and sharing them with my readers in hopes that they'll like them and tell someone else about them is what keeps me going.

At what stage of your life have you done most of your writing? 
    I've been writing most of my life, actually. I wrote a blog in my late 20's, I did reviews for music, movies and television. It was always something in me, but only recently have I tried to publish it.

If you had the power to cure a disease of your choosing, what would it be?  
    Diabetes. It's a serious disease that plagues the black community and it's preventable if you're well informed. Unfortunately, I had a huge sugar dependency when I was young and learned about its dangers very late in life. I really wish I did a few things differently when I was younger.

What would you like to say to your readers? 
    If you're looking for a diverse read, something very different, with characters you can actually relate to, give my books a try. They may surprise you.

Follow Author Syntell Smith  
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Amazon Author Page- Author Syntell Smith

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