Monday, May 22, 2023

Author Profile: Ray’Elaine

Meet Author Ray’Elaine

A person wearing glasses

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Tell us about yourself.

    My name is Ray’Elaine. I am an Author and Blogger. I have two kids and live in Minnesota. I am an Alarm Monitoring Specialist and Personal Care Assistant. Writing is my first love, and I started writing poetry when I was 12. I have two books published and am currently working on three projects, so there is more to come. Also, I want to start ghostwriting for others. Besides family, working, and writing, I like creating and designing book covers, flyers, banners, and more. 

Tell us about your latest book. 

    My latest book is my poetry book called Shifts in Moods. It is a collection of poems that fit any mood. 

What risks have you taken with your writing that have paid off?

    The long nights I spent writing and going to work tired. Also cutting down hours at one of my jobs to better fit my writing schedule.

What do the words “writer’s block” mean to you?

    Writer’s block is when I am stuck in a chapter, my mind is entirely blank, and I can’t think of the words to write. Or when I feel like I have nothing more or new to add. I get writer’s block occasionally, even with writing for my blog.

What do you think is the best way to improve writing skills?

    The best way to improve writing is to be consistent. Be creative and have fun with it. Learn how to edit and revise your writing and always do your research. 

What is the best money you’ve ever spent with regard to your writing?

    I would have to say for me is paying for copywriting. I think it is important to protect your work and no complaints here about the cost. Also buying the software needed to create my book covers. You have to invest in yourself and your dream!

Do you participate in writing challenges on social media? Do you recommend any?

    I have done so in the past. I like them and it is something that I want to start doing again. I think they can be fun to do. I do not have any recommendations for any.

Whom do you trust for objective and constructive criticism of your work?

    At the moment, just me. I can call on my sister sometimes to get her opinion on things. I do wish I had more people to ask to critique my projects.

If you had the power to cure a disease of your choosing, what would it be?

    I would cure diabetes. I say this because, since the age of sixteen, I have had type two diabetes. I also have many family members who have it. I know some of the challenges of having diabetes. 

What would you like to say to your readers?

    I want to say thank you to my readers. Thanks for all the love and support the readers have shown me. I appreciate it all. I have got more stories for you! Again, a big thank you!

Follow Ray'Elaine at the following social media outlets:
Amazon Author PageRay'Elaine

Author Ray'Elaine's books can be purchased at the following links:
       Shift In Moods

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