Saturday, September 17, 2022

Book Review Alert: Trust Issues

 Book Review Alert: Trust Issues

Author: Tia Barnes

Published: December 26, 2020

Publisher: Unknown

ISBN-13: n/a


Rating: 5 stars

Byline: With friends like these, who needs enemies. 

Where my girls at? Friends Candice, Layla, Sheree, Katrina, and Trina have friends for quite some time. But their definition of friendship is much to be desired. Let’s break these ladies down. And I promise I will not give away too much information but I will say…. YALL NEED TO GET THIS BOOK RIGHT HERE!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Sheree has the baby daddy from hell. He is determined to control her life by using their son. Sheree meets the man of her dreams who is willing to stick by her side. But is he really the man of her dreams or is he the man that is willing to kill her dreams? 

Next we have Layla. This chick right here could have caught plenty of hands in this novel. She is the worst when it comes to friends. Her loyalty is to herself. She doesn't care who she hurts to get what she wants. But can I say that what she wants may not be the best thing for her.

On to Katrina. This chick is stuck between the “best” of both worlds. She loves her girlfriend but she has a bad case of the can’t let the baby daddy go syndrome. Who will she choose? Here ex husband or her gal?

Now we have Trina. She went through a lot growing up. Will what happened in her past be the blockage to her happy future. 

Lastly we have Candice aka Candy. She was my favorite character in the book. I am so mad at Tia Barnes for what she did to her. WHY WHY WHY? Candice is caught between two lovers also. Her heart is torn between that man she married and the man she loves. Which will she choose?

Fights, death, kidnapping, sex and lies can be found all throughout this novel. Go on this rollercoaster ride of friendship or what some may call frenemies? You will not be disappointed, just upset because it leaves you hanging.

This was a great novel. Nice and face-paced. A great read for someone that just wants a quickie. The character development of the novel was on point. Reading this novel you can envision the ladies in each scene. This book plays out like the television show Sisters but with a hood twist.  I can see the novel taking place in the summer in the city. For the novel to be so short, it answers all the questions that would have come in part one leading to a starting point for book two (that I am already reading).

Want to know more about Tia Barnes here to read her interview with SCBookGal and Friends. Follow Author Tia Terrell-Barnes at the following social media outlets:

Pentellectually Tia Barnes on Facebook

Everydayblackmommy7 on Instagram

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