Tuesday, July 19, 2022

50 United Authors of Aspiring Authors Magazine LLC/ Pennsylvania- Charlene Atchison


State Nickname: The Keystone State

Population: 12,805,190 (as of 2022)

Capital: Harrisburg

Fun Fact: Pennsylvania is a combination of Latin words that together mean “Penn’s woods.” The name was created by William Penn to honor his father.

Charlene Atchison

Tell us about yourself.

Charlene Yuvette Atchison was born in Buffalo, New York, but now

resides in Erie Pennsylvania. She attended Bennett High School

and Buffalo State College to pursue an Associate Degree in Child

Psychology. She is the author of her first book Chronicles of Being

Adopted followed by Releasing The Pain, My Inner Thoughts and

Shattered But Still Standing. She is also a contributing author to 6

Anthologies and has also contributed to two Poetry books. She is

the proud mother of two adult daughters and a grandmother as well.

Charlene’s vision is for others to see that they are not alone and by

reading her books, they will understand that God will bring you through

everything that you go through.

Do you have other writers in your family?

I have two cousins who are authors of their very first poetry books.

My cousin Shelia book is based her feelings concerning being

adopted and my cousin Belinda has a book of spiritual poems. I can

say, that both books are very uplifting and powerful.

What author in your genre do you most admire and why? 

The author that I most admire would be Author Maya Angelou,

her book “Why The Caged Bird Sings” is so powerful and it really

touched my soul. In the book she speaks about her childhood

trauma that she went through. Reading that book made me realize

that I wasn’t alone with what I dealt with in my childhood and that

when I was finally ready, I would be able to share my truth.

When you are writing an emotional or difficult scene, how do you set

the mood?

When I write I usually have some soft jazz playing in the background,

I always have candles lit and I make sure that the room that I am in is

a calm place with no negative energy. That way I am able to allow the

words to flow and my feelings can be released.

What character in your book are most similar to you or the people

you know?

My books are based on my childhood so I am the main character,

I am able to be the voice of those who have dealt with childhood

trauma and may not be ready to share their truth. I feel that my books

will allow them to know and understand that they are not alone and

when and if they choose to share their story it will touch someone's life.

How do you handle writer’s block?

The way I handle writer's block, I walk away from what I am

working on and come back to it at a later time. I find something

else to work on that will take my mind off of the book. I try not to

rush back right away. I feel that it’s a reason why the writer's

block has kicked in and I can’t rush the process.

What do you like to do when you are not writing?

When I am not writing I love to work on puzzles and paintings.

Spending time with my mother and my grandchildren, I love

reading, so I try to catch up on books that I have started to read

and wasn’t able to finish.

What would you like to say to your readers? 

To my readers I would say, never be scared to share your truth.

is someone who is waiting to read what you have to say. There

is a book in all of us, you just have to take the time to sit down

and write it out. Never allow anyone to silence you.

Shattered But Still Standing can be purchased on Amazon.

How does one walk in complete forgiveness towards the one man who you called Daddy? Learning to forgive yourself first and then forgive the person who caused the pain can be extremely difficult and challenging, but at the end, it is completely worth it. Follow me through my journey of acknowledging that I was molested, as I share the steps that God took me through. It was at the end where I was able to fully forgive and show the true love of God as I released the pain, hurt, and shame that I needed to forgive what I had lived with for so long. To every single person who have been molested or know someone who have been, I pray that my journey will allow you to see that forgiveness is necessary, not for the abuser, but for YOU!!!! I pray that my story will be a blessing to you. Always remember that you might be Shattered, but you are still STANDING!!! Be Blessed Charlene

Facebook: Charlene Atchison

Amazon: Charlene Atchison

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