Thursday, July 21, 2022

50 United Authors of Aspiring Authors Magazine LLC/ North Carolina- Pamela Campbell

New Carolina

State Nickname: The Tar Heel State

Population: 10,807,491 (as of 2022)

Capital: Raleigh

Fun Fact: North Carolina got the nickname the Tar Heel State because workers here used to sell tar, pitch, and turpentine from the state's longleaf pine trees to be used in wooden ships.

Pamela Campbell

    Tell us about yourself

I’m from Brooklyn, New York, but now I live in Charlotte NC. I have three grown kids and three grandchildren. I’ve been married for over 30 years to my childhood sweetheart. I manage an engineering firm. I love to travel, and my other hobbies in my spare time are doing jigsaw puzzles, reading, and rug hooking. I’ve written 32 books, most of them are in the contemporary romance genre, and I also have 2 two-part urban series.

    Does anyone in your family read your books?

Yes, my mother, my two daughters, and two of my nieces read my books.

    Have you listened to audiobooks? If yes, which did you love the most?

I just started listening to audiobooks a few months ago. My favorite authors to listen to are Brenda Jackson, and Alexandria House.

    How do you come up with character names for your stories?

It takes me forever to decide on my characters' names! Lately, I’ve been using names that my daughters give me...usually, it’s their friends & co-workers.

    When was the last time you googled yourself and what did you find?

I’ve NEVER googled myself! I probably should lol.

    What was your hardest scene to write in your latest novel and why?

In my book, You’re my Destiny, two characters talked about their daddy issues. That was hard for me because my father died when I was very young and unfortunately, I never knew him.

    What comes first for you, the plot or the characters? And why?

The plot comes first for me because I always have the story in my head first. But the names will sometimes change if I don’t like it for the story.

    Writing can be an emotionally draining and stressful pursuit. Any tips for aspirating authors?

You have to find your own pace and schedule to write because everyone is different. If you try to keep another author’s pace you may burn yourself out. And make sure you find time for self-care. Step away from the story and just do something fun! It will keep you from stressing out.

    How do you come up with your book titles?

My daughters give me suggestions. And sometimes I come up with a title from listening to the lyrics of my favorite love songs.

    How many bookshelves are in your home?

There are five bookshelves in my home, and I need more. I have over 2,000 hardcovers and paperback books.

    What would you like to say to your readers?

I want to thank each and every reader that read and supported me through my author journey. It means more to me than I can ever express. I’m humbled and very grateful...God bless all of you!

You're My Destiny can be purchased on Amazon.

Serene and Donovan have been best friends since their college days. He’s been in love with her for years but has kept his feelings to himself. Donovan craves so more from Serene than friendship.
Donovan has been the one constant in Serene’s life since college. She has a boyfriend, but lately, Thomas hasn’t been treating her the way she deserves to be treated.
When Donovan is done waiting for Serene to see him as more than a friend, he decides that it’s time to find love with someone else.
Serene’s in her feelings about the new woman in Donovan’s life. She’s afraid to finally admit that she does have feelings for him that are more than friends.
Will they continue with their friendship as it is, or will they follow their hearts and take a chance on love?

Authors Website-

Facebook: Author Pamela Campbell

Amazon: Pamela Campbell

Instagram: pamela8053

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