Tuesday, February 1, 2022

Meet Sherrika Myers- Black History Authors 2 Read Edition

 Sherrika Myers

Sherrika Myers is married with kids and grandkids, the founder of Every 1 Voice Matters & Lil Herbie Series, author of Lil Herbie Series Book Collection, Certified Life Coach, ET National Speaker and creator of The Lil Herbie Anti-Bullying Mascot. She enjoys helping kids become the best version of themselves through several innovative programs she has created and her Lil Herbie Series Book Collection that is geared towards social-emotional learning. 

Do you hide any secrets in your books that only a few people will find?

I don’t hide any secrets in my books, but the people who know me will know that I am talking about myself and what I went through growing up stuttering, without me saying anything.


What was your favorite children’s book?

Three Little Bears


If you had to do something differently as a child or teenager to become a better writer as an adult, what would you do?

I don’t think I could or would change anything in my childhood, what I went through, is what helped me to be able to write with such compassion.


What would you like to say to the readers?

Never underestimate your story and the comfort it could bring to others. It’s your story and you should be the one to tell it. Every 1 Voice Matters and that includes yours.

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Follow Author Sherrika Myers at the following social media outlets

Every1Voice on Instagram

Every1VoiceMatters on Facebook

lil_Herbie-Series on Instagram

@lilherbiethamascot on TikTok

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