Tuesday, February 1, 2022

Meet Colleen Williams- Black History Authors 2 Read Edition

Colleen Williams

Colleen Williams ‘aka’ Empress is rising from the ashes of abuse, born in the beautiful island of Trinidad and Tobago, now living in New Jersey. As a victim of Domestic violence herself she is determined to shine a light on the subject that gets swept under the rug. For the sake of her son, she made a promise to do better and to provide a better life for him.

How long have you been writing or when did you start?
I've been writing since age 9 but I got serious 10 years ago. I had a story to tell and a message to send.

What advice would you give to a writer working on their first book?
Don't ever give up, despite what anyone tells you. This is your dream, your book, your work. Ask questions. Give it all you got. Also, make Google and Youtube your best friend.

How do you balance your writing time with the rest of your schedule?
Well I love my job. It's very laid back. I'm always in a quiet spot on my job. So I use that time to gather my thoughts and write. My boss really supports me in my writing career so sometimes he allows me to bring my laptop in because he knows what I'm doing. My schedule is very laid back. I adjust it to what matters most to me.

What’s your favorite and least favorite part of publishing?
My favorite part of publishing is sharing my story with the world. Someone somewhere will see my book. Pick it up. Read it. It can change their life. My least part of publishing is not getting my work in front of the right audience.

What would you like to say to your readers?
For all the readers who keep reading, I hope you will be able to grab a copy of my work and I hope my book can become a favorite of yours.

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Follow Author Colleen Williams at the following social media outlets

Colleen Williams on Facebook

Author Colleen Williams on Instagram

Empresscolleen1 on Twitter

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