Saturday, May 1, 2021

Book Review Alert: The Tomorrow Game

Book Review Alert:  The Tomorrow Game

Author:  Paul J. Chetcuti

Published:  February 5, 2021

Publisher:  Oakfield Books

ISBN-13:  978-1777498115


Rating:  5

Book Summary

Timothy Koops, in his personal opinion, lives a life of mediocrity. He didn’t take his university education seriously and now works a dead-end job as a data analyst for a research corporation. He has a longtime friend that he’s grown tired of. To make matters worse, his home life with his wife and son is not a pleasant one. Timothy has become agitated with his dealt hand of circumstances and wants more out of life. Through a mandatory assessment for work, he became eligible to participate in scientific experimentation that would ultimately alter his past and enhance his memories, as well as his perception. He began living the life that he never thought would have existed; prestige, money and power. However, Timothy’s new lifestyle would not be without repercussions.

This story was out of this world, literally. To be honest, scientific novels have not been on my list of go-to-reads. However, this book was amazing! I couldn’t put my kindle down once I started to read this story. I really enjoyed the author’s creativity along with his wordsmanship. Together these two elements painted a vivid picture of details that I was able to imagine while reading. It was interesting to read about retro-causality and how it shaped the future in this novel. There have been theories regarding technology such as man is going to outdo himself and technology will be the downfall of mankind. Scientists have performed breakthrough creations such as artificial intelligence, which is the simulation of human intelligence in machines that are programmed to think like humans and mimic their actions. This novel puts a twist on this theory. Rhetorically speaking, will this become the future? It’s enough to make readers put on their thinking caps

(Reviewed by Kela)

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