Tuesday, March 30, 2021

Patrice's Literary Meet & Greet: Meet Aquintas "Quint" Jones

Reading her first novel Get Up & Get Out Your Own Way, had me wondering who in the world is Quint Jones. Now after reading her second novel called Overcoming the Mask: Something Had to BreakI know that the world deserves to know her better. 
So everyone meet AQUINTAS "QUINT" JONES. 

    Aquintas "Quint" Jones was born and raised in Bridgeport, CT to a single parent home. Her  mother, Gwendolyn Jones raised me. Her father had his own issues and could not be there for me, but she had an uncle stepped in as a father. Jones is mother herself of 2 beautiful daughters and a grandmother of 3. She is an Author, an Evangelist, A Certified Life Coach, A Podcast Host and The Founder of My Life Has Destiny Corp. Needless to say she is also a Domestic Violence Advocate. 

What is the most surprising thing you discovered while writing your book(s)?
           The most surprising thing I discovered about writing this book was that I wasn't completely healed from the loss of the love of life. I realized I was still grieving. I was not only grieving over Kevin passing but I was also grieving over my good friend that tried to commit suicide because I pushed him away.  I had to repent for being mean to him. He didn't know what I went through as a child. I didn't tell him because I didn't know how he was going to respond. After he tried to commit suicide I completely stopped speaking to him. I couldn't handle it. I ended up repenting right before my book was completed. The sad part was, this was a memory I completely repressed. But God uncovered it. 

Writing can be an emotionally draining and stressful pursuit. Any tips for aspiring writers?
         My tip for aspiring authors is to keep writing. This book was completely draining to me because it dealt with my life. It brought back memories I didn't want to deal with. But it also helped me to heal. And the completion of the book was very rewarding. It showed me I can accomplish anything. 

Tell us a little about what inspired  you to write Overcoming the Mask: Something Had to Break? 
          OverComing The Mask: Something Had To Break is a testimony of my life. I watched cycles of abuse go on in my family for a long time. It started with my mom, trickled down to me and right down to my children. The generational curses had to be broken. We kept silent for too long. I needed to tell my story to help others that are going through. I pray my testimony inspires others to speak out. Silence does not Bring healing. 

What do you hope your readers take away from this book?
          I pray my readers know that they do not have to tolerate abuse. Don't allow others to project prayers on them that are not even theirs. And watch your surroundings because everyone is not for you. Please speak out and Break Your Own Cycle. Voids can only be filled by God. Also, spiritual abuse is real, please recognize it. 

What does success mean to you? What is the definition of success?
         Success to me is knowing who you are and having peace, joy and happiness.  For a long time I didn't know who I was and I was far from having peace and joy. I was existing. I was like a zombie, just walking around dead. My life was full of chaos. I had no purpose for living. Now my life is full of purpose. And success is: the accomplishment of an aim or purpose.

Are you working on anything at the present you would like to share with your readers about?
       I am currently working on Part 2 of OverComing The Mask: Something Had To Break. It is Called: Exposed To Humility. This book is going to Expose more of the wounds that were masked. And tell of my journey to obedience. 

What book is currently on your bedside table?
        Pigs In The Parlor: The Practical Guide To Deliverance by Frank and Ida Mae Hammond

How many bookshelves are in your house? 
    I have a total of 3. 

What famous author do you wish would be your mentor?
    That would be Rebecca Brown.

What would you like to say to your readers? 
    I would like to say to my readers: See the progress in your process. You can only lose if you give up. Quitting is not an Option. No matter how long your process takes, walk in Purpose on Purpose. Walk In Your Destiny. #mylifehasdestiny

Read the reviews of her novels:

For more information on Aquintas Jones’s books, follow

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