Thursday, February 4, 2021

Patrice and Friend's (AAMLLC’s Review Team) Book of the Year

Patrice and Friend's (AAMLLC’s Review Team) Book of the Year

Aspiring Authors Magazine Review Team decided they wanted to choose a book that has stood out from all the reviews that they have done in 2020. We decided to call it the AAMLLC’s Review Team Book of the Year. This is the first year of this award. We are proud to announce that Author Pugh is the winner. The title of the book is Major Repercussions. Our director, Patrice Grimball interviewed Pugh to get to know more about him. 

  • Tell us about yourself.
Greetings, I am the author known as PUGH. I was born in Chicago, Illinois and was raised in South Miami- Dade County,FL. Thus far, I have written and published four novels. In my spare time I like to exercise, write, read, and watch my favorite shows. As we speak, I am working hard to complete my fifth novel entitled 'Legacy',which is scheduled to be released February 2021.
  • When did you first realize you wanted to be a writer? 
I first realized that I wanted to be a writer of novels back in 1995. That's when I sat down and read the whole entire book called Roots from an author named Alex Haley.

  • Where do you get your information or ideas for your books? 
The information and/or ideas for my books all comes from portions of my life and real life experiences. I have lived a life that is full of stories and experiences worthy to be told. I doubt if I ever run out of characters, themes, plots and climaxes judging by all of the things that I have personally been through or seen others go through in my lifetime.

  • Do you try more to be original or to deliver to readers what they want? 
My main focus is to always tell my stories from my point of view. In doing that, I just deliver to the readers the best that I have to give.

  • Do you read your book reviews? How do you deal with bad or good ones?
Yes, I have read a few reviews over the years. Well, to be completely honest with you, I have never experienced having a bad review. I have been blessed to only have great reviews. I deal with reviews with humility. I am just grateful to anyone that actually takes the time out of their busy day to open one of my novels and read them from beginning to end. Whether the review is favorable or not, a review itself is acknowledgement that your work is being read by someone. As an author, all I want is to have a fair opportunity to have the results of my hard work placed in front of an avid reader.

  • How do you balance making demands on the reader with taking care of the reader?
One thing that I have learned about the reader is that all they really want is your best as an author/authoress. They want and expect a good book. So I do my best every time to tell my stories the best way that I know how and then let the cards fall where they may.

  • How many hours a day do you write?
What works for me is that I write in one hour blocks. Whatever I complete in that one hour block. I do this three to four times throughout the day..

  • What period of your life do you find you write about most often?
The period of my life that I find myself writing about most often is my young adulthood. To me it's where most material to pull from. I had so many experiences on all levels (mentally, physically, emotionally and spiritually) during that period of time and I have been blessed to live long enough to see how most of those incidents play all the way out. Whether that outcome turned out to be good or bad.

  • How do you feel about having the book review of the year? 
I feel like... marvelous! I finally feel recognized and appreciated for the good that I have done in my life instead of always the bad. I am totally honored.

  • What would you like to say to your readers? 
What I would like to say to my readers is Thank You. I appreciate each and every one of you. There is definitely no me, without you. I look forward to continuing putting novels in front of you that you will be forever amazed by.

Other works by Author Pugh
Mini Distractionz
39 Lashes of Karma
World Inside a Wicked World
(newest release)

Here is the review of the book that has given Author Pugh this award

Book Review Alert: Major Repercussions
Author: Pugh
Kindle Edition
Published: October 31, 2017
Publisher: Turtle Pu Books
Rating: 5 stars

Runny Clem aka Mini-size when we first meet him is in the fight for his life.  Mini-size was involved in a car accident that left him unable to move pleading not to die. Well, this is far from where the fight starts. Mini-size finds himself now as an inmate at West Jefferson Correctional. But is not determined to stay down for long. As his body heals, plans come together for the great escape. 
Detective Crook cannot believe that Mini-size has escaped and he is determined to get him back in prison or else.
Mini to get things right in his eyes and it does not matter who it is. With the body count growing, who is Mini gonna have at the end? Who or better yet will he have anyone to turn to? What will be the MAJOR REPERCUSSIONS???
Talking about a fast-moving novel. Twist, turns, and those OMG moments. I love the continuing speed of the novel. As I stated before it never slowed down. Steady pace with great character growth even though it was not much. You with the information that was given let you know why they got the fate that came upon them. 
You can follow Author Pugh on the following social media platforms…

Amazon page-

Enter to win your own copy of 
Major Repercussions by Author Pugh

a Rafflecopter giveaway


  1. This book was a page turner! Once I picked it up, I never put it down. Pugh is a great writer and I know he has plenty more to say if this book is any indication of what's to come! Please hurry with the next one sir!

  2. Looking forward to reading this


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