Wednesday, December 23, 2020

Book Review Alert: I Wanted Peace: A Divorce Memoir

Book Review Alert: I Wanted Peace: A Divorce Memoir 

Author: D. Lynn X

Published Date: September 12, 2018  

Publisher: Honorable MENCHAN Media LLC

ASIN: B07HB875T8

Rating: 4 stars


I’d like to thank the author for sharing her insight, and personal experience on her road to a better place.  As I read I could easily see how this memoir might be inspirational to others, who are considering leaving a marriage, trying to work up the courage to, or recently have left a marriage and are on the road to recovery. This was clear to me.  However, for me I Wanted Peace: A Divorce Memoir is an extremely short read of about fifty pages, for a memoir, at times it felt like it was just the surface of the author’s experience I read.  More like a justification for the actions taken. While this is personal content that was enjoyable and inspirational to read, I felt as a reader and outsider I would have loved to read more around the author’s actual experiences, this could have been enhanced. This could have helped the narrative to not seem like just the surface or an overview. For example what she did, how she did it, and who helped her and her children survive, also her ex-husband’s responses etc. would have been lovely to read in more detail. The rawness and emotion I felt was left out, adding to the smaller page count, or feeling of an overview of the memoir. I would have loved for this memoir to be a little more ‘raw’ and from the heart, but don’t get me wrong it’s certainly a good and worthwhile read!  I recommend it to anyone who has been faced with the decision to leave a marriage, on the road to recovery or who has an interest in the subject matter. I could fully understand why the author did what she did, and how I this short read could help others. Four stars from me, thank you for sharing your story.

(Reviewed by Kim)

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